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請大家為Justin集氣祈福 他是我的心肝寶貝 「您好,我是Justin的媽媽,你們能不能協助我的孩子到高雄就醫,他還未滿週歲時就到台灣進行換肝手術,一年了,肝功能仍然出現異常,他還有很長未來的路要走,你們能不能幫我們?」 寫信到華航菲律賓分公司的是一個在學校擔任職員的媽媽Jocylin,領著微薄薪水,為了照顧小朋友,父親辭去了工作,而媽媽捐了自己的肝,Justin不僅是父母親形容詞上的心肝寶貝,現在Justin的身體裡,不僅留著父母的血液,更有一片貨真價實的肝! 為了籌措心肝寶貝的醫藥費,對原本經濟條件就不優渥的他們來說,簡直雪上加霜,除了菲律賓慈善機構的幫忙,他們製作「給Justin希望」的T- shirt賣給了解狀況的好友。去年他們已經散盡原本就不多的家財,這次來台灣的醫藥費初估也需要二十萬台幣,他們咬緊牙關就是為了給他們孩子希望。 在華航的幫忙下,他們將在星期五抵達高雄,華航能給他們的除了免費機票外,也希望在台灣人熱情與善良的祝福下獲得新生。 "I CAN SAVE A LIFE, A CHANCE FOR LIFE: HOPE FOR JUSTIN" Biliary Atresia is a fatal, serious and rare liver and bile duct disease affecting one out of fifteen thousand newborns. It is evident for having jaundiced or yellowish eyes and skin, stomach noticeably bigger than normal infants of the same age group, poor digestion, pale stool and dark urine. The child also experiences weight loss and irritability as the jaundice increases. The disease is usually developed about two to eight weeks after birth. It is brought about by the blockage of the bile ducts which carries a liquid called bile (fluid made by the liver that carries toxins and wastes products out of the body and help the body digest fats and absorb the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K) from the liver to the gall bladder needed for digestion. As a result, the bile is trapped inside the body that later leads to liver scarring or cirrhosis. The only solution - Liver Transplant. And Justin Marc Russel Nieto Paga, or Baby Justin was no exemption. Baby Justin was born on June 29, 2012, and was diagnosed with Biliary Atresia with Cirrhosis three months after, and this is how his life-battle all started... At a young age, Baby Justin have had and will undergo series of tests, lifetime medications and operations. And last June 25, 2013, was Justin's milestone to living a normal life - he underwent Live Donor Liver Transplantation surgery in Kaoshiung. The family raised funds for Justin's operation by selling T-shirts and bags with the caption "I CAN SAVE A LIFE, A CHANCE FOR LIFE: HOPE FOR JUSTIN". They also hosted "A Chance for Life Fun Run", and also received donations from charitable organizations and individuals. The operation was a success. After five months of treatment, a more active and healthy Justin was back in Manila. But in less than a year, Justin showed signs of new-liver rejection, necessitating him to undergo a Portal Vein Stenosis as soon as possible. Due to the large sum of previous expenses, and the estimated sum of NT200,000 for the upcoming stenting; his mother, Jocelyn, finally decided to call up China Airlines Office, asking if we could be of any assistance to her child. China Airlines then decided to give the family an all-expense paid travel to Kaoshiung, together with the hopes that through our simple assistance, Justin may be able to live a normal and better life ahead. |
Eric1 回覆於2017-05-05 17:08:56 | |
唵嘛呢唄咩吽 懇請佛菩薩與上師慈悲加持一切平安順利 |
滄桑贖 回覆於2014-04-05 19:32:26 | |
今天是清明節 祝大家掃墓愉快 平安圓滿 恭敬,此事最吉祥 南無日月吉祥如來 |
Emily Chen 回覆於2014-04-04 07:48:15 | |
阿彌陀佛 南無藥師琉璃光如來 |
滄桑贖 回覆於2014-04-03 17:15:06 | |
曼殊室利!若見男子、女人有病苦者,應當一心,為彼病人,常清淨澡漱,或食、或藥、或無蟲水、咒一百八遍,與彼服食,所有病苦悉皆消滅。取自藥師經 南無藥師如來 |
連亮森 回覆於2014-04-03 14:29:59 | |
請大家努力點擊持咒,展現善心悲心,更展現台灣人的熱情, 期望在Justin明天(星期五)到達台灣時, 持咒能達10萬遍以上! |
nimo 回覆於2014-04-03 08:53:42 | |
唵嘛呢唄咩吽 懇請佛菩薩與上師慈悲加持一切平安順利 |